2000 Illustration BFA with Honors, ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, CA
2025 Between memory and imaginary, Andrew hem + edwin ushiro, Château Lamazière, Paris, France
Solo Exhibitions
2018 Graduation, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2017 A Survey: Drawings and Paintings of Strange Things, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2016 What Still Glimmers, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2015 The Study of Life as Things, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Gathering Whispers, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2010 At Night, Lights Fell and Loved Ones Returned Home, Sloan Fine Art, New York, NY
2010 Preceding Sunday, Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, WA
2009 Softly Encompassing the Womb, LeBasse Projects, Culver City, CA
2008 While Tides Guide You Back Home, Project: Gallery, Culver City, CA
2007 The Cardboard Symphony, Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 Shifting Directions: Redefining Painting, Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
2021 POW! WOW! The First Decade: From Hawaiʻi to the World, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI
2017 4th Annual Exploring The New Contemporary Movement, Honolulu Museum of Art School, Honolulu, HI
2016 Silent Wonderment: Exploring the World of Giant Robot, Vincent Price Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA
3th Annual Exploring The New Contemporary Movement, Honolulu Museum of Art School, Honolulu, HI
2015 Giant Robot Biennale IV, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2014 HI Society, 7 person group exhibition, The Honolulu Museum of Art, Spalding House, Honolulu, HI
Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
SuperAwesome: Art and Giant Robot, Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA
2013 Supernatural, 3 person group exhibition, The Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2012 Go with the Flow, Villa Bottini, Lucca, Italy
Giant Robot Biennale III, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2011 An Easy Give and Take: A fundraiser for the Japanese Red Cross, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA
Water Works: A benefit for UNICEF and child victims of the earthquake in Japan, GR2 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Year of the Labbit, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Art Paris Fair, Saatchi Gallery, Grand Palais, Paris, France
East West Connect, Above Second Gallery, Sai Wan, Hong Kong
2010 Sugi Pop! Anime, Manga, Comics and Their Influence on Contemporary Art, Portsmouth Museum of Art, Portsmouth, NH
2009 Giant Robot Biennale II, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Kokeshi from Folk Art to Art Toy, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Illustrative Berlin, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany
Art Amsterdam Fair, Willem Kerseboom Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008 Amuse Art Jam, Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
2008 Illustrative Zurich, Messehallen Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
2008 Installation 5 Scion Art Tour, Raleigh Penthouse, Miami, FL
2006 The Unicorn Show, Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA
Community Projects
2022 Los Angeles Metro, We Are... Portraits of Metro Riders by Local Artists, art displayed in Union Station + Metro Art Bus, Los Angeles, CA
Small Town Big Art, Wailuku Ho’okele/Wailuku Wayfinders, mural artist, Wailuku, HI
2021 Art Break: Ghosts! with Edwin Ushiro, workshop, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2020 POW! WOW! Hawaii, public mural art festival, mural artist, Kaka’ako, HI
2019 Sustainable Little Tokyo, Windows of Little Tokyo, Japanese Village Plaza, Los Angeles, CA
2016 JANM Free Family Days: Pop Mania, workshop, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
POW! WOW! Hawaii and Long Beach, public mural art festival, mural artist, Kaka’ako, HI and Long Beach, CA
Los Angeles Metro, STUDENT Mentor AT Boyle Heights High School to design a mural depicting the historical past and present state of Los Angeles, in association with the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2015 Ghost Stories, performer, presenting a series of true, tingly, tales of the supernatural to members of the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2023 Artist-in-Residence, Green Box, Green Mountain Falls, CO
2021 Artist-in-Residence, Camera Obscura Art Lab, Santa Monica, CA
2015 Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center, Giant Robot: Kind of Like Home, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Nakamura, Eric, Thrash Lab Profiles x Giant Robot: Edwin Ushiro, Thrash Lab, Los Angeles, CA
2012 Lai, Ming, Art Recession (Winner of International Family Film Festival Best Feature Documentary Award), Humanist Films, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Zimskind, Lyle, Edwin Ushiro: Gathering Whispers, Whitehot Magazine, July
2008 Mellksetian, Anna, While Tides Guide You Back Home, Art Ltd Magazine, August
2015 Cucu, Edwin Ushiro: Gathering Whispers (eastern edition), DiagonAlley, Shanghai, China
2014 Amanda Erlanson, Edwin Ushiro: Gathering Whispers (western edition), Zero + Publishing, Claremont, CA
2022 Sugidono, Chris, Inspiration from Above, The Maui News, Wailuku, HI
Chu-Tachikawa, Art, Community and Entrepreneurship: How Edwin Ushiro Connected the Dots, Little Tokyo Service Center, Los Angele, CA
2021 Nemoto Jay, Kristen, In Our Community—Pow! Wow! Exhibit at Bishop Museum: Graffiti Art Makes History, The Hawai’i Herald, Honolulu, HI
Hirahara, Naomi, Remember Cash Only: The Delicious Pull of Gardena, Air/Light Magazine, Los Angeles, CA
2020 Gutierrez, Jorge R., My Neighbor Hayao, Abrams, New York, NY
Hamada, Jeff, POW! WOW! Worldwide, Paragon Books, Berkeley, CA
2019 Breyer, Mieko, Nikkei Entrepreneur Spotlight: Artist Opens a Window on Life in Little Tokyo, Rafa Shimpo, Los Angeles, CA
2018 Hokamas, Papercut, Long Beach, CA
2017 Luo, Ursula, Spray on the Walls: Urban Adventure of Graffiti Art, SendPoints Publishing, Guangzhou, China
2016 Williams, Austin, Inside Artists’ Sketchbooks, Drawing Magazine, Palm Coast, FL
The Moleskine Project, Paragon Books, Berkeley, CA
2015 Cucu, Gathering Whispers (eastern edition), artist monograph, Diagon Alley, Shanghai, China
2014 Erlanson, Amanda, Gathering Whispers (western edition), artist monograph, Zero Plus Publishing, Claremont, CA
Xue, Mengyuan, Peter Pan for Grown Ups, Tian Man: Light Novel Magazine, Shanghai, China
Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty, Museum Publication, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Hong, Souris, Outside the Lines, Penguin Group, New York, NY
2011 Erlanson, Amanda, Heroes and Villains, Zero Plus Publishing, Claremont, CA
2010 Juxtapoz Erotica, Ginko Press, Berkeley, CA
Owens, Annie, Ghost Stories: The Art of Edwin Ushiro, Hi Fructose Volume 2, Last Gasp, San Francisco, CA
Neo York, Anime and Beyond, IdN, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Ruano, Luis, Edwin Ushiro Preceding Sunday Exhibition, Hypebeast, Hong Kong, China
2009 Three Apples, An Exhibition Celebrating 35 Years of Hello Kitty, Sanrio, Torrance, CA
2008 W+K Tokyo Lab Tokyo Ten, Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo Lab, Tokyo, Japan
New Artists, OBJECTS The Journal of Applied Arts, Berlin, Germany
Drury Wagner, Kathryn, Painting a Nightmare, Honolulu Magazine, Honolulu, HI
2025-2012 Digital Media AND ILLUSTRATION Faculty, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
2014-2010 Advisory Board Member, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA
2025 ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, CA
2023 Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
2022 Kings Hawaiian Corporate Office, Torrance, CA
2020 Lili’oukalani Trust, Honolulu, HI
2015 Orange County School of the Arts, Santa Ana, CA
2014 Honolulu Museum of Art, Spalding House, Honolulu, HI
2013 The Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2012 ACM SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles Professional Chapter, Santa Monica, CA
2012 Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
2007 ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena, CA